Sunday, January 31, 2010

Role players

It is important, throughout the course of the season, to thank the guys that don't get to play as much as others. The guys that play for me know how much I care about them. The things they do for our program on and off the court mean a great deal to me. There are a few players that I want to make sure know how much they mean to our team. They don't get the playing time that they would like, but never let it visibily bother them. I think that is a great trait for any player to have. It shows that they are about the good of the team and selfishness does not exist.

Spencer Picard, sophomore. This is Spencer's second year in the high school program. He played for us last year as a freshman. Spencer is a high-character kid who loves to be around his teammates. His strength is on defense and he usually goes in to guard a great offensive player. He is a great asset to us and I am glad he is a part of things.

Marcus Huskey, sophomore. Marcus is a kid that grows on you as you get to know him. This is his second year with the high school program also. Marcus has sneaky length and has the ability to alter shots when he is guarding a good shooter, either inside or out. He has a good looking shot and follows through properly. Marcus lays it on the line everyday in practice and he's great to be around. He gets along with everyone and encourages his teammates all the time.

Jesse Snyder, junior. This is Jesse's third year with the high school program. He is a great kid who loves to play the game. He is a very physical player and will get after anyone, anytime. His work ethic is off the charts and I know he will be successful in everything that he does down the road. He is a very strong kid who knows how to use it. He brings the morale of the team up anytime he is around and is just strong, both mentally and physically.

These three guys do alot for our team and we would not be the same "team" without them.

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